Secure Email
Email is currently the primary communication method between clients and Bank representatives, whether for general correspondence or the delivery of documents. However, it is important to note that emails from personal accounts (i.e. Yahoo mail, Google mail, Outlook, AOL etc.) are often not secure, meaning they can be intercepted or read by others.
In order to protect the privacy and integrity of your information, Republic Bank offers secure two-way email communication through Mimecast Secure Messaging Portal. Mimecast Secure Messages are password-protected, and can only be opened by authorized recipients who authenticate themselves. This ensures that all communications between our clients and representatives are private, and that any documents or files exchanged cannot be read by an outside party.
Learn How Secure Email Works
Learn more about sending and receiving encrypted email.
First Time User Registration
If you have not previously set up a secure email account, or your secure email account was set up prior to October 17, 2019, you will need to register for a new secure email account.
Compose new secure messages and manage previously sent messages.