Simple Access Disclosure
Today’s date is Monday, March 31, 2025
This disclosure contains the rules which govern your deposit account.
To open this account you must deposit at least $10.00.
Charges which may be applied to this account.
$4.95 Monthly Fee*
$3 Non-Republic ATM Fee
$10 Cashier’s Check Fee
$12 Return Deposit Fee
$ 2 Monthly Paper Statement Fee
$36 Stop Payment Request
Varies Deposit Ticket Order (Fee Depends on Style Ordered)
Your account will be considered DORMANT after 18 months of inactivity.
Check writing is not permitted. If a check is presented for payment, it will be returned unpaid.
Monthly Fee*
A Monthly Fee of $4.95 will be imposed every statement cycle unless at least one (1) of the following three (3) conditions are met:
- At least one (1) direct deposit (ACH credit transaction, such as payroll or other automatic transfer into your account) is credited to your account during the statement cycle.
- At least one (1) debit card point-of-sale (POS) transaction (excluding ATM transactions) is debited from your account during the statement cycle. POS transactions in a Pending status at the end of your statement cycle are not included.
- At least one (1) online Bill Pay transaction is debited from your account during the statement cycle. Personal Internet Banking is required to use the Bill Pay service.
NOTE: Monthly Service Fees are assessed on the statement cycle date. Please allow enough available funds to remain in the account to cover service fees and avoid an overdraft situation.