Easy Checking Disclosure
Today’s date is Monday, March 31, 2025
This disclosure contains the rules which govern your deposit account. If your account is not already a MMDA, a portion of your account balance may be classified as an MMDA for regulatory purposes. This Classification will not affect the terms or fees contained in this disclosure.
To open this account you must deposit at least $50.00.
Charges which may be applied to this account:
$ 4 Non Republic ATM Transactions
$10 Cashier’s Check Fee
$12 Return Deposit Fee
$36 Overdraft Fee (per check or in-person, ATM or electronic withdrawal)
$ 4 Paper Statement Fee (per statement)
$36 Returned Item Fee (per Item, per Return)
$36 Stop Payment Request
$ 8 Daily Overdraft Fee (per business day beginning on the 3rd consecutive business day)
Varies Check Printing Order (Fee Depends on Style of Check Ordered)
Your account will be considered DORMANT after 18 months of inactivity.